Letters to Nanette, by Bob Biderman

Letters to Nanette
Bob Biderman

ISBN 1 900355 34 5


UK - £12.00 plus £2.50 post = £14.50
EU - €14.00 plus €3.50 post = €17.50
US - $15.99 plus $5.00 post = $20.99

From the Beatnik cafes of San Francisco, hanging out with the likes of Ginsberg, to an Army boot camp in Georgia, this novel imaginatively recaptures the American atmosphere at the beginning of the Vietnam War and the plight of one young man caught up in the madness.

Selected Reviews

"Set in 1963, this wonderfully warm novel imaginatively recaptures the American atmosphere at the beginning of the Vietnam war and depicts one man’s resolve to meet manhood on his own terms. Letters to Nanette is really one long, open letter to a young nation that refuses to throw off its own adolescent misconceptions of growing up.”
-The American Library Association

“Letters to Nanette explores, richly and humorously, one of the dilemmas faced by the early 60’s generation. The alienated bohemianism of North Beach and Berkeley that became a well spring for the movements beginning to emerge gives the book a substantial flavor of an all-too-faded history."
-The San Francisco Review of Books

“This book provides not only good reading, but also a profitable trip back to a fateful moment in national history.”
-Choice Magazine, the Book Selection Journal for University Libraries

Black Apollo Press
Germinal Productions Ltd
1A Flower Street
Cambridge CB1 2NH
United Kingdom
